Benefits Of Hiring A Fence Company For Residential Livestock Fencing

Many residential communities are now allowing certain livestock in their neighborhoods. These animals tend to be chickens, ducks, and even goats. These animals help provide eggs as well as milk and meat if necessary. One of the important aspects of keeping these kinds of livestock animals in a residential environment is fencing. You need to make sure that the fencing meets certain standards, especially if you have animals roaming the neighborhood or a problem with stray animals. Before you handle a fencing project like this yourself, consider the benefits of hiring a fence company for your residential livestock fencing. 

Durable Foundation

Your fencing is only as useful as the durability of the foundation. If your fence has gaps or is not buried slightly, it can be broken down easily. Animals can break into the fencing and reach your livestock. When you hire a fence company to handle your livestock fencing, they will bury the fencing around a foot or more into the ground. This helps prevent digging and the easy breakdown of the fencing. They will also use concrete to settle posts as a way of giving added durability to the fence line. 

Knowledge of Fencing Materials

If you are handling the residential livestock fencing on your own, you may be considering standard chicken wire or similar fencing material. Though this can work for smaller projects, it may not be as durable as you want for larger projects and enclosures. A benefit to hiring a fence company to help with the project is the ability to have knowledge of multiple fencing materials. This means your fencing contractor will suggest various types of materials that are durable enough for your livestock. They will also suggest materials that can hold up to outside animals that may try to hurt your livestock. 


You may not think about the warranty that can be included on some residential fencing. The truth is, if you hire a fence company to help with your residential livestock fencing project, then you may have a warranty if something should happen. This means you can have the fence repaired or replaced for a certain amount of time if there is an accident or natural disaster. This is something that may not be available when you handle the fencing project yourself. 

These are just a few of the benefits of hiring a fence company for residential livestock fencing. If you are ready to either have fencing installed for your livestock or to have your fencing upgraded, contact a local fence company. They will discuss your needs and the project. Once you have settled on the type of fencing you want, you can move forward with scheduling and installation. 
